Greenwald Eye Movements


前庭眼反射(VOR)回應頭部運動時產生補償性眼運動反射。眼球運動幅度和速度與頭部運動相同,但方向相反。這種反射的目標是確保在頭部運動期間穩定注視,減少環境中感知到的視覺目標的模糊。VOR 功能降低(即前庭障礙)的人不能產生足夠的補償性眼球運動來補償他們的頭部運動。因此,常見的抱怨是運動過程中的視覺模糊 oscillopsia。頭部和身體在不斷運動時,運動過程中的清晰圖像很重要。當我們直行向前看時,我們的頭也會自然地上下擺動並左右移動。腦震盪或前庭疾病常見於四處走動時不能保持視力穩定,會頭暈噁心! 

Optometry and occupational therapy cooperation strategy

 Optometry and occupational therapy cooperation strategy

Spherical Aberrations Resulting from Abnormal Q-Value

 Spherical Aberrations Resulting from Abnormal Q-Value

Q = –2 in advanced KC or after correction of +5 hyperopia
Q = –1 in moderate KC or after correction of +2 hyperopia
Q = –0.52, no spherical aberration is found.
Q = –0.26 to –0.35 in most normal corneas with the least tolerated spherical aberration.
Q = 0, the cornea is spheric with spherical aberrations.
Q = +1 after 8 RK cuts or after correcting –5 myopia.
Q = +2 after making 16 RK cuts or correcting –12 myopia


 Binocular and Accommodative Problems Associated with Acquired Brain Injury(後天性腦傷雙眼視覺及眼睛調節問題)about Optometrist’s Role:

看見中間浮出完整的貓圖像?(Home-Based training-physiological diplopia/floating closer-SILO)

 看見中間浮出完整的貓圖像?(Home-Based training-physiological diplopia/floating closer-SILO)

different types of test scores

 different types of test scores

立體視與視力相關性(Stereopsis correlated with visual acuity)

 立體視與視力相關性(Stereopsis correlated with visual acuity)

eyeglasses With Fresnel Prism (diplopia)

 eyeglasses With Fresnel Prism (diplopia)

Visual perception

Visual perception
the dorsal stream aka ambient system, “where” pathway that is responsible for producing our sense of spatial orientation,binocular fusion/depth perception, and the location,movement, movement direction and velocity of objects in space.
ventral stream aka focal system, “what” pathway that is responsible for recognizing objects and colors,reading text, and learning and remembering visual objects.
mTBI slows the acquisition and processing of visual information, so naturally certain areas of visual perception, especially timed tests , can be affected. Visual attention is another area that is affected in mTBI; therefore, visual discrimination and figure–ground can also
be affected.
ms TBI are usually more focal and more severe. Injury to the parietal lobe will cause more deficits in the where pathway and will affect visual-motor integration. Injury to the temporal lobe will cause more deficits in the what pathway and will affect visual closure and visual discrimination.
In most ways, a visual perceptual assessment on a TBI patient is no different than the one performed on a learning disabled patient of the same age.
The test should give the same result if repeated on the same person.
The test should give the same result if repeated on the same person by a different examiner.

The test should measure what it purports to measure. 

relax accommodative excess

 Accommodative flow sheet (To relax accommodative excess 01)



視覺系統雙重路徑性質包含parvocellular pathways(detail and color)及magnocellular pathways(motion) pathways,這兩個路徑透過 perceptual fading of Troxler Phenomenon導致造成intermittent central suppression是否與閱讀問題及 dyslexia有臨床相關性
來玩Hand Mirror and Whiteboard Target遊戲!




Computer-Related Vision Problems(CVS)

 疫情關係進行同步線上遠距教學,無論你是老師或學生於線上緊盯著螢幕學習到傍晚,視力的負擔加倍,形成人人皆懼的惡夢.依Diagnosing and Treating Computer-Related Vision Problems(CVS)該書所摘錄自我症狀檢核表,可以做為自我視覺防護的參考!


 視光領域的視覺訓練方法真是無遠弗屆--運動員視覺訓練(Blur Interpretation Activities) 提高視覺辨別的靈敏度增加運動員反應度。參考書目:SPORTS VISION: VISION CARE FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF SPORTS PERFORMANCE











經常被問到有關視覺訓練議題,客官請看菜單,不知哪一範疇比較感興趣?原來視覺訓練範疇真是無遠弗屆從巨觀至微觀,每一環節皆可自成一格亦可相互關聯自成專書,準備課程中為求避免沿用萬年講義的陋習及符合課程新鮮感概念下,深感視覺訓練應用真像傳染病一般引人入勝,深入其門者皆難全身而退,肯定萬般糾纏。以參考書目觀其應用範圍有:Brain Injury( 腦損傷). TBI(創傷性腦損傷). Audio-Visual Integration(視聽整合) Orthoptics(視軸訓練) Learning Disabilities(學習障礙) Neurovision Rehabilitation(神經視覺康復). Autism(自閉症), Asperger Syndrome(阿斯伯格綜合症)Developmental Disabilities(發育障礙)Sports Vision(運動視覺).Vestibular Dysfunction (前庭功能障礙).visualinformation-processing(視覺信息處理).Visual perception(視知覺)Binocular Vision Heterophoric,Accommodative, and Eye Movement Disorders (雙眼視覺眼位不正/斜位、調節性和眼球運動障礙),Low vision(低視能)….等。希望視光人真的有福氣能為特殊不同族群的需求與其他領域專業人員同樣負起服務的任務,視覺訓練真是大黑洞!